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Dr. Shaun Woodly

HBCU Stories


Grad Year


Notable Affiliations

MC Means Move the Class

Greek Affiliations


Specializing in serving schools & organizations that serve urban and culturally diverse communities, Teach Hustle Inspire offers driven and passionate educators a transformational experience in a way that is fun, engaging, and life-changing!

Hampton University

Dr. Shaun Woodly A graduate of Hampton University, Dr. Shaun Woodly obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 2004, Master’s degree in 2005, followed by his Ph.D. is 2014. Dr. Woodly has dedicated his professional career to education. He is a decorated K-12 teacher, University professor and author whose deep passion and research have allowed him great success as an educator and entrepreneur. Dr. Woodly has received multiple honors including being named teacher of the year, receiving a district inspiration award, and several commendations of distinction for outstanding teaching and leadership. He is the architect behind the educator movement “Teach Hustle Inspire”, and has written the best-selling book “MC Means Move the Class: How to Spark Engagement and Motivation in Urban and Culturally Diverse Classrooms”. In both education and life, Dr. Woodly believes in having fun! He educates with love, enthusiasm, motivation and hustle!

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Please share your academic or social experience at your HBCU, your favorite class, hang-out joint, homecoming game, student center, on or off-campus party, and Greek show. If you pledged a fraternity or sorority, we want to hear about those stories too. The goal is to use your Story to promote and uplift the HBCU brand. Your HBCU prepared you for success, and now we want everyone to read about a real HBCU Experience.

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