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Tierra Veney

HBCU Stories


Associate of Science (A.S.),
Architectural Drafting

Grad Year


Notable Affiliations


Greek Affiliations



Norfolk State University

I stepped foot on NSU’s campus during the summer of 2003 for band camp. I tried out for weeks for the “Hot Ice” dance team and made the team along with my 5 line sisters Pam, Tia, Sheena, Ashley, and Marietta. We didn’t cross into the team all at the same. We all crossed one by one. Crossing into the band was definitely an experience. Between the number of hours we practiced and the continued practice after practice, it was exhausting.

We also participated in the Fall line of 2003 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity probate, which caused some controversy with the band, but til this day they are my favorite line, Hot Ice and Ice Cold!! Eventually, I decided to quit the team and later joined the “Dynasty” dance team, another team on campus. I also participated in many fashion shows on and off campus. I even produced my own fashion show with the support of Residential Life and Housing my last year.

In my sophomore year, I was an RA ( Residential Assistant) to about 35 young women all freshman, my “Divine Divas” of the 3rd floor. They were my babies and we went through a lot together. I had to break up fights, arguments, ban visitors, and I even surprised them with Valentine’s gifts. At NSU, we partied from Wednesday to Sunday every week starting with the on campus SweatBox featuring DJ Vince.

NSU was and still is a family! I remember meeting my friend London because he saw me and a friend walking to 7-11 he didn’t want us to walk alone. When a guy was shot on campus, students came together and prayed in that spot. When a young lady passed away, students in her building did a tribute to her during our Battle of the Dorms Step Show and invited her family, they had everyone crying. I entered NSU by myself and 17yrs later the friendships and sisterhoods that were created during that time haven’t let me down not once. Behold the Green and Gold!!

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