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Artesius Miller

HBCU Stories



Grad Year

Notable Affiliations

Utopian Academy

Greek Affiliations


Utopian Academy for the Arts is a free, high-performing, public charter school network that serves elementary, middle, and high school students in Clayton County. Utopian's theory of change is outlined in their mission statement: Through a structured and supportive environment, the Utopian Academy for the Arts will develop academic and artistic students to enter and to succeed in the global society, with proficiency to enroll in a college, university or specialty school of their choice. Utopian Academy for the Arts is the only public charter school network in Georgia to offer a comprehensive educational program in the dramatic, media, and creative arts. Our educational model leverages the positive effects of arts education to engage and inspire students, develop their academic and artistic potential, and prepare them to be leaders in their communities. Our course catalog includes the following: animation, broadcast and video production, chorus, coding, culinary arts, dance, film and television, journalism, music appreciation, music production, piano, and visual arts.

Morehouse University

Dr. Artesius Miller is the Founder & CEO of the Utopian Academy for the Arts Charter School Network. Miller is recognized as a visionary leader in K-12 education who founded Georgia’s first state-approved charter school following recreation of the State Charter Schools Commission. Miller has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Morehouse College, a master’s degree in Education Leadership from Columbia University, and a doctorate degree in Educational Administration and Policy from the University of Georgia. Miller is an adjunct professor of Education at Morehouse College, and he resides in Atlanta.

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