Capt. Paul Matthews

Grad Year
Notable Affiliations
Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
Greek Affiliations
Kappa Alpha Psi
Buffalo Soldiers National Museum, 23k square foot museum located in the former Houston Light Guard Armory, The mission of the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum (BSNM) is to educate the public and to preserve, promote and perpetuate the history, tradition and outstanding contributions of America's Buffalo Soldiers from the Revolutionary War to the present. BSNM achieves its mission through its educational programs, historic research, the arts, the environment, school tours, performing arts, teacher workshops; youth outreach programs, school appearances, and exhibits. The museum creates and disseminates knowledge about the history of the Buffalo Soldiers and their service in the defense and development of America
Prairie View A & M University
Born in Louisiana, moved to Texas as a child. Grew up in La Marque, TX. Proud Prairie View A & M graduate. Life Member Kappa Alpha Psi. Honorably Discharged Vietnam War Vet where he served in the medical unit, Retired Executive from Merck. where he lead national teams in medical, designed and installed Merck's military med branch. Received numerous wards for his success in the medical field. After retiring, founded the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum.
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