Dr. Pamela Johnson
Morris Brown College
My story began in 1997 attending a institution I had absolutely no clue about going in as an undergrad. After two full years of trying to transfer and get out, I finally made a decision to remain and push through. That was the best decision I could have ever made because attending Morris Brown College truly helped develop me into the spiritual and professionally educated woman I am today.
It is because of my college professor (Dr. Selassie) that I pursued a doctorate degree. She helped make my college experience one where I knew that if I could come out on top at Morris Brown College, that truly there was no limits to what I am able to accomplish in life. I must say, other professors in the Business Department (especially Strickland “Strick”) helped me in more ways than one. Attending Morris Brown College helped me realize that you don’t have to be the smartest in your high school or the most talented athlete to succeed in life.
Life is what you make it and I knew if I made it out of Morris Brown College that I could make it anywhere! Attending this GREAT institution taught me that life will throw curve balls your way, but those curve ball are only meant to steer you in the direction of your life’s purpose. I am forever grateful for #MyHBCU experience 💜🖤
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