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Kelsey Webb

HBCU Stories


PhD in Rehabilitation Counseling and Rehabilitation Counselor Education

Grad Year


Notable Affiliations

Greek Affiliations

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.


North Carolina A&T State University

I wouldn't be living the life I have now or experiencing the things I am without paying homage to Langston University. Langston University (LU) helped open doors and turned my dreams into reality. From 2012 to 2016, I attended a PWI where I built solid relationships, but they did not compare to what I experienced at the LU.

In 2016, I entered Langston University's Rehabilitation Counseling master's program, where I had the opportunity to gain additional knowledge about individuals with disabilities and begin my career as a minority researcher and future educator. Langston University houses a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Research and Capacity Building for Minority Entities. The research team heard my vision and provided the tools and resources necessary to make it unfold. Upon graduation in 2018, I had an offer letter to the only HBCU with a Rehabilitation Counseling Ph.D. program at the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. The Counseling department at Langston University literally took me under their wing and treated me like family, far more significant than my undergrad experience at a PWI.

While at NC A&T State University, I was afforded numerous opportunities to work with those who look like me and identify with some of the systemic and everyday issues I face. It was game-changing and also a culture shock coming from Oklahoma. Each day, my environment reminded me of "why" I had to complete my doctoral degree, return to the classroom to help mold future counseling professionals, and focus on research among those who belong to minority groups and also have a disability. I wrote my entire dissertation at the peak of COVID-19. Not once did I feel like I was not given GRACE!

My ties to these two universities are for life. The professors within the Counseling departments at Langston University and NC A&T State were always supportive and available to meet my needs from day one. Both departments as a whole made it their mission to help me get everything accomplished within my years of enrollment and even amidst a pandemic. I now hold a prestigious title at Langston University, where I serve as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. I would have never known how impactful my journey with Langston University would have been less than ten years ago. My experience at North Carolina A&T State will always have a special place in my heart. Five months post-graduation, I still have professors reaching out to provide mentorship and opportunities to stay connected. This is only a summary of my journey from a first-generation college student to becoming a member of 2% of the population holding a terminal degree. However, I will forever rep my LU and yellow and blue!

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